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Featured Article:​

The Global Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery Workforce














The Global OHNS Initiative performed a recent study quantifying the number of otolaryngology-head and neck surgery (OHNS) care clinicians per capita worldwide. This was done by disseminating a cross-sectional electronic survey to professional society leaders, medical licensing boards, public health officials, and practicing OHNS clinicians. 


Respondents from 114 countries comprising 84% of the world population estimate a workforce density of 2.19 OHNS clinicians per 100 000 population. Variations were noted by World Health Organization regions and World Bank income groups.


This cross-sectional survey study provides a comprehensive assessment of the global OHNS workforce. These results can guide focused investment in training and policy development to address disparities in the availability of OHNS clinicians.


To search for the ENT/OHNS workforce in each country/region, visit our interactive map by clicking below:​​​


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